Post-Op Instructions

Sedation Post-Op Instructions

  1. Place a new piece of gauze and apply pressure 30 minutes after leaving the office. Repeat this step three more times for a total of four changes. If the bleeding persists heavily after the last of the gauze changes, use a moist tea bag on sites. Leave for 20-30 minutes. Do not use any more gauze after the last gauze change.*Please call the office for additional instructions if bleeding still persists and can’t be controlled. 

  2. Slowly drink clear liquids such as water, apple juice, gatorade, sprite, ginger ale for at least 1 hour prior to eating. You may sip on the liquid in between gauze changes or directly after completing the changes. 

  3. You may start to eat once gauze changing has stopped and you finish the clear liquids.  Eat soft and easy to chew foods such as eggs, soups and broths, pancakes, french toast, oatmeal, jello, pudding, apple sauce, soft sandwich, cut up chicken, cut up hamburger etc, in the front of your mouth for at least 2 days following surgery. You may then resume normal eating in the back and sides of your mouth but do not eat anything hard and crunchy or any foods that break into small pieces until 7-10 days after your surgery. Refrain from heavy dairy such as ice cream or milkshakes for 24 hours.

  4. Begin the pain medication no later than 2 hours after your procedure or when you feel the numbing medicine begin to wear off. Take the ibuprofen medication first and supplement in the stronger pain medicine (percocet, tylenol #3) as needed. The antibiotic can be started the following morning. The antibiotic needs to be taken as prescribed until completed. Pain medication is as needed

  5. Brushing your teeth is fine but take care not to hit the extraction sites and remember not to spit. A gentle rinse can be started the night of your procedure. Mix a little water with a splash of Listerine or store brand antiseptic mouthwash. The following day the gentle rinse needs to be done after you eat and before bed and keep this up as much as you can until the sites are completely healed. 

  6. Any stitches placed will begin to dissolve around 3-5 days.  Some may dissolve around 7-10 days if multiple stitches are placed. 

  7. Ice packs can be used throughout  the first 2 days. Apply ice for 20 minutes and then keep the ice off for 20 minutes. Most swelling and bruising will occur several days after the procedure and will peak around 4-5 days before slowly resolving. 

  8. It is not unusual to have some variation of numbness following surgery. If it persists and has not in any way lessened a week after your procedure, please call the office. 

  9.  Please call the office if you notice any pain or swelling coming back several days after you have started to feel better. We may need to see you in the office. Sometimes food can become stuck in an extraction site so please keep rinsing as much as possible to avoid this. 


    *Instructions may very case by case. Proceed with any instructions given at the office if different from those above.



Extraction Post-Op Instructions

  1. Bite down on the initial gauze placed for 30 minutes and then change it every 30 mins for up to 3 changes. If you have uncontrolled bleeding at this time please call the office. Light oozing is normal and will resolve. 

  2. Eat foods on the other side of your mouth for 2 days and then you can resume eating on both sides. Please do not eat anything hard or crunchy on the extraction side for at least 7-10 days following your procedure. 

  3. Any stitches placed will dissolve in 3-5 days. If you have several stitches placed they will dissolve within 7-10 days. 

  4. Brushing your teeth is fine as long as you do not brush the extraction site(s). You may also begin a light and gentle rinse the night of your procedure. Splash a small amount of listerine or store brand antiseptic mouthwash into a small amount of water. This rinse should then be completed after meals and before bed starting the next day. 

  5. Complete the antibiotic if you are prescribed one. Take Advil, Motrin, Aleve or Tylenol as needed for any soreness or discomfort. Mild soreness or tenderness may last for several days. If you are experiencing severe pain for several days with no relief or new pain please call the office.  

  6. If you were told you may have a sinus communication after the procedure, please follow the steps below in addition to the normal post operative instructions: 

    • DO NOT blow your nose for 5-7 days
    • Do an open mouth sneeze if you have to sneeze
    • Use a decongestant if needed but avoid nasal sprays 
    • Avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activity for at least 5 days 
    • Some bleeding from the nose may occur and is not uncommon. This will resolve shortly


    *Instructions may very case by case. Proceed with any instructions given at the office if different from those above.



Implant Post-Op Instructions

  1. Stitches placed will dissolve within 3-5 days.

  2. We recommend eating all foods on the other side of the mouth taking care to avoid the implant site for 1 week. This will make sure pressure is not placed on the implant. 

  3. It is recommended to avoid brushing the implant site for 1 week; however, after 3 days you can brush the site very gently if you prefer to.  

  4. Rinse several times a day (after meals and before bed) with a small amount of water mixed with listerine or other store brand antiseptic.

  5. Complete the antibiotic you are prescribed and take Advil, Motrin, Aleve or Tylenol as needed. Call the office if you have severe pain or new pain since this is unlikely with implant placement.


    *Instructions may very case by case. Proceed with any instructions given at the office if different from those above.



Opioid Medication Informed Info